Ressources minérales pour le futur: les défis géologiques, environnementaux et sociétaux

Dear all, 
It is my pleasure to announce the upcoming section seminar which will be given by Professor Lluis Fontboté as a farewell lecture, Tuesday 17th of March 2020 at 16h15 in room 001(building Maraichers).

The title of Lluis lecture is:
Ressources minérales pour le futur: les défis géologiques, environnementaux et sociétaux Mineral resources fo the future: geological, environmental and society challenges

To celebrate with Lluis we will have an apéritif after the lecture. Please register until Monday 9th of March in this doodle if you haven’t done it already:
I hope we will be many to attend and I look forward to seeing you!

Author: Webmaster

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